invacare Blog

Tips and real-world stories

to live your life to the fullest with limited mobility

Invacare bloggers
travel insurance for disabled

The importance of travel insurance for disabled people

If you have a disability, travelling is absolutely possible but often takes more time and effort to organise, plan and prepare for. Having travel insurance to cover your trip is important for anyone, although there are particular factors you need to consider if you have additional needs. Make sure you really look into travel insurance […]

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Disabled caravan holidays – A guide to taking adventure that little bit further if you have a disability.

The phrase ‘disabled caravan holidays’ doesn’t sound particularly viable, does it? Caravans and tents are known to be generally cramped spaces, and as such you might not think they’re suitable for disabled people. However, when I typed ‘disabled caravan holidays’ into Google, I was really quite impressed by the what I found. This included many […]

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accessible travel and leisure

Accessible travel and leisure for disabled voyagers

Looking for some tips about accessible travel and leisure? There’s a whole world out there, and when somebody gets the travel bug, they want to see it all! Whether your passion is sun-soaked beaches surrounded by palm trees, or dusty vineyards in the south of France, whether you dream of adventure holidays in South America […]

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wheelchair taxi

Accessible travel in a wheelchair taxi

Taxis can be an effective way of getting out and about, especially when public transport is difficult to use or not very prevalent. Whether it’s a quick trip to the supermarket, or a tour of the town while on holiday, wheelchair taxis are invaluable for disabled people who want to travel around the country (or […]

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