invacare Blog

Tips and real-world stories

to live your life to the fullest with limited mobility

Passionate People Team
Manage Your Medication

Do You Know How To Manage Your Medication?

It is not unusual for someone with a spinal cord injury (SCI) to take multiple medications. These medications help combat changes that may have occurred in your body. Keeping track of all your medications, and when and how you should take them, can be a big task. Whether you are the one doing the organizing, […]

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adaptive cooking

Cooking From A Wheelchair: Tips and Hacks

Cooking from a wheelchair can be difficult, especially if your home environment has not yet been adapted. Reaching things from a seated position is hard, and if you have limited upper body function or spastic muscles, that can add even more challenges. That’s why we have collected some adaptive cooking tips to help you get […]

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Positive Thinking

Thinking Positive After A Spinal Cord Injury

Life with a spinal cord injury is different. And it can be challenging. Your old way of doing things is in the past, and you must figure out your new normal. This transition can bring with it a lot of emotions. Your emotions are valid- even the uncomfortable ones such as sadness or anger. But […]

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