invacare Blog

Tips and real-world stories

to live your life to the fullest with limited mobility

Health & Assessment

If you are a wheelchair user, there are a lot of things to consider regarding your health.

Not only has your physical health changed, but likely your mental health has, as well. You may wonder, “How do I choose the wheelchair that is best for me?” You may also be concerned about things like, “How do I prevent pressure ulcers?” Or you may wonder, “Which cushions and backrests give me the best support?”

Read these articles for great information on staying healthy in a wheelchair with topics like:

  • Staying active, exercising, and reducing stress
  • Avoiding complications such as back problems and pressure ulcers
  • Making sure your wheelchair fit is optimal
  • Knowing what questions to ask at your doctor’s appointments

You will find out tips like:

  • One of the best ways to choose a wheelchair is to to try it “in motion.”
  • Wheelchair rain covers can help keep both you and your chair protected from the rain.
  • You can get wheelchair backs that are tension adjustable, to help maintain the right amount of support.
  • There are five areas to consider when choosing a wheelchair tyre: Measurements, Type, Maintenance, Task, Environment.

¡Happy reading!


Manage Your Medication

Do You Know How To Manage Your Medication?

It is not unusual for someone with a spinal cord injury (SCI) to take multiple medications. These medications help combat changes that may have occurred in your body. Keeping track of all your medications, and when and how you should take them, can be a big task. Whether you are the one doing the organizing, […]

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Positive Thinking

Thinking Positive After A Spinal Cord Injury

Life with a spinal cord injury is different. And it can be challenging. Your old way of doing things is in the past, and you must figure out your new normal. This transition can bring with it a lot of emotions. Your emotions are valid- even the uncomfortable ones such as sadness or anger. But […]

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Wheelchair tyres

Wheelchair tyres, options and maintenance

As you would expect a wheelchair tyre is critical to the performance of the device but it can sometimes be difficult to know which one will suit you and your wheelchair best. There are 5 areas to consider when reviewing wheelchair tyre options: Measurements Type Maintenance Task Environment Measurements Wheelchair tyre size is relatively self-explanatory, […]

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Stress From The Inside Out

Looking at Stress From The Inside Out

How do you define stress? What comes to mind when you think of things that cause you stress? Job performance? Starting a new activity or trying something new?  Deadlines? According to health psychologist, Kelly McGonigal, Ph.D., in her book “The Upside of Stress,” things that cause us to feel stress are things that are important […]

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wheelchair back upholstery

Is Your Wheelchair Back Upholstery Important?: Fabric and Function

Your wheelchair back upholstery selection, and how that functions, holds just as much importance as the design of the rest of your chair. The frame style of your wheelchair back is foundational, and the fabric you choose isn’t just for decoration, it affects both back support and comfort. Tension Adjustable Wheelchair Back Upholstery Have you […]

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CTA - Post - Wheelchair Parts