invacare Blog

Tips and real-world stories

to live your life to the fullest with limited mobility

Famous disabled artists

5 World-Famous Artists That Had Disabilities

When we think about artists, we usually think about their skill, creativity, and vision. In our minds, famous artists are often put on a pedestal of genius, separating them from everyday people- especially ourselves. But did you know that while many famous artists had great skill, they also had disabilities to work around? Here’s a […]

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Transportation In Germany

Finding Accessible Transportation In Germany: 3 Great Options

Whether you are a resident of Germany or just visiting, it’s important to know what your accessible travel options are. Fortunately, Germany has several great options for making transportation easier for people who use wheelchairs. Individuals who are severely disabled can also travel on public transportation for free. All they have to have is a […]

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Stress From The Inside Out

Looking at Stress From The Inside Out

How do you define stress? What comes to mind when you think of things that cause you stress? Job performance? Starting a new activity or trying something new?  Deadlines? According to health psychologist, Kelly McGonigal, Ph.D., in her book “The Upside of Stress,” things that cause us to feel stress are things that are important […]

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wheelchair archery

What is Wheelchair Archery?

Wheelchair Archery is a track and field sport that requires very little, if any, adaptation to play after your spinal cord injury. Many athletes can play without any adaptive equipment at all. And although it’s considered a spring sport, there are indoor ranges to use that can make archery an activity you can enjoy year-round. […]

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