invacare Blog

Tips and real-world stories

to live your life to the fullest with limited mobility

Education & Job
disability awareness training

Disability Awareness Training: Top 6 reasons to book a session for your organisation today

In a modern-day world where attitudes towards minorities are firmly shifting for the better, it’s important to reflect and take stock of some areas of society which still suffer from distinct forms of marginalisation; with thoughts specifically in this instance homing in on individuals living with a disability. Here is the importance of disability awareness […]

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Overcoming physical disabilities in sport

Physical disabilities can often be perceived as a barrier in engagement of many daily tasks but particularly in leisure or sporting activity. As society becomes more familiar with meeting disability needs the adaptations or compensatory approaches adopted to empower independent engagement in day-to-day tasks have become standard or normalised rather than specialist. Adaptations such as […]

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CTA - Post - Wheelchair Parts