invacare Blog

Tips and real-world stories

to live your life to the fullest with limited mobility

Passionate People
wheelchair fashion

Wheelchair Fashion: What you need to know

I started this piece with the intention of giving fashion and style tips, and I quickly stopped myself.  First things first, I am no fashion guru.  Although I do quite well on the groovy glasses front, I only wish I followed more beauty trends and always made the effort to look my best… but, I […]

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Wheelchair fencing

Wheelchair Fencing: What Is It?

“Wheelchair Fencing? Is that even possible?” That may be your reaction when you first hear about this adaptive sport, but the answer is yes. You can learn all the skills of fencing right from your wheelchair.   What is Wheelchair Fencing? Wheelchair fencing is an adaptive sport that allows people to fence from their wheelchairs. […]

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wheelchair bowling

Wheelchair Bowling Basics: Find Out The Rules!

Have you tried wheelchair bowling? Both power chairs and manual chairs are used for this adaptive sport, so everyone can have a chance to play with their friends. If you have a recent spinal cord injury and you used to bowl, I would encourage you to give wheelchair bowling a try. But first, there are […]

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disability swimming

The Joys and Benefits of Disability Swimming

When it comes to the subject of disability swimming, there are two main things that spring to my mind. These are, the type of disability swimming that you may see on the TV every four years when it comes to the Paralympics, and secondly, the type of disability swimming that I was most familiar with […]

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Disabled Accomodation

What to Look For in Disabled Accommodation

Imagine a world where housing was perfectly designed for disabled people. If that happened, we wouldn’t be disabled people, but enabled to live close to work, and go on holiday wherever we chose. We could even visit friends at the drop of a hat. So, whether you’re newly disabled or you have a view on […]

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Paralympics Tokyo 2020

The Paralympics: My hopes for Tokyo 2020

London 2012: The beginning In the summer of 2012, I had just returned from a year studying and living in Melbourne, Australia.  My home in London was a mere two miles from the new Olympic Park in Stratford, East London, and I was desperate to get involved.  Unfortunately, I like cakes and biscuits far too […]

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