invacare Blog

Tips and real-world stories

to live your life to the fullest with limited mobility

Passionate People Team
sport wheelchair

How Will Your Sports Wheelchair Support Health & Well-Being?

What is a sports wheelchair? A sports wheelchair is a self-propelled wheelchair, much like its everyday use relative, but with some specific differences. In the past they tended to be non-folding in order to be stronger and better balanced during tight turns and impacts, but they are now often made of light-weight, aero-grade materials which […]

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wheelchair accessible cars

Wheelchair Accessible Cars, The Best Chairs & Finding the Right Match

For most people living with a disability, wheelchair accessible cars are crucially important when seeking independence. Not only does having a wheelchair accessible car make everyday tasks more convenient, it can also be a central tool to overcoming barriers to accessibility; much like how your wheelchair in that respect. The need for a wheelchair accessible […]

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Ultra Lightweight Wheelchair – Compare It to Other Lightweight Models

Selecting a wheelchair is a complex process, with the ideal chair one that fits you and your lifestyle, rather than you adapting to it. By choosing an ultra-lightweight wheelchair you ensure daily comfort, much better manoeuvrability, minimise the risk of injury and increase durability. How does weight affect your wheelchair? Weight is often a central […]

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