invacare Blog

Tips and real-world stories

to live your life to the fullest with limited mobility

Disability skiing

The joys and dangers of Disability Skiing

There are many different sports that disabled people can get involved with, but none are perhaps as extreme as Disability Skiing. Hurtling at breakneck speeds mountain sides covered with a blanket of snow, whilst you’re strapped into a singular seat that’s perched on a ski blade – and with only two further blades in each […]

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Self propelling folding wheelchair

Does your self-propelling wheelchair meet your individual needs?

A self-propelled folding wheelchair has two large back wheels for propulsion and is predominantly designed to allow the wheelchair user to manually and independently mobilise whilst remaining seated.  This is unlike an attendant propelled wheelchair which has smaller back wheels and is designed to be pushed by a carer/proxy. In determining whether your self-propelled folding […]

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wheelchair back upholstery

Is Your Wheelchair Back Upholstery Important?: Fabric and Function

Your wheelchair back upholstery selection, and how that functions, holds just as much importance as the design of the rest of your chair. The frame style of your wheelchair back is foundational, and the fabric you choose isn’t just for decoration, it affects both back support and comfort. Tension Adjustable Wheelchair Back Upholstery Have you […]

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wheelchair shopping bag

How to choose a wheelchair shopping bag

  Buying a specialist wheelchair shopping bag to use when you’re out and about will make your life a lot easier. This article will look at the different options available in terms of style and practicality. Having a wheelchair shopping bag that is both attractive and useful, will help you to move around with ease […]

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CTA - Post - Wheelchair Parts