invacare Blog

Tips and real-world stories

to live your life to the fullest with limited mobility

Pressure Care: Why Is the Design and Selection of My Wheelchair Cushion So Important?

Pressure Care: Why Is the Design and Selection of My Wheelchair Cushion So Important?

One size, one shape does not fit all! The goal in the selection of a wheelchair cushion and (back support) is to provide for an individual’s positioning needs and provide pressure care while promoting functional mobility and activities from the wheelchair.   But why is all this important? About Pressure Sores Well, to answer this, […]

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Managing wheelchair dependency with a lumbar spondylosis

Managing wheelchair dependency with a lumbar spondylosis

For regular wheelchair users your chair enables freedom and function that may not otherwise be possible. However, prolonged sitting, the biomechanical stress of functioning from a seated position and insufficient postural support can cause or exacerbate chronic back problems, such as lumbar spondylosis.   Using a wheelchair with any form of lumbar spondylosis therefore requires […]

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CTA - Post - Wheelchair Parts