invacare Blog

Tips and real-world stories

to live your life to the fullest with limited mobility


What Should You Consider With a Children’s Wheelchair?

When choosing a children’s wheelchair, some of the things you may want to consider are versatility, adaptability, and personality. Not many chairs meet all three of these requirements. Check out this checklist that details the considerations you want to make, as well as lists some general tips on how to choose the right children’s wheelchair.   […]

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Wheelchair Friendly Camps

Top 5 Wheelchair Friendly Camps in Europe

It may be difficult to find a way to enjoy some of the same activities you did before you spinal cord injury. Camping can be especially tricky because camps are often in remote locations that do not have even the typical amenities you might find on holiday. However, there are camps in Europe that are […]

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Wheelchair painting

Wheelchair Painting: What Is It?

When you first hear the term “wheelchair painting,” you most likely would imagine it to be just like traditional painting. You paint on  canvas, with an easel and paints, seated in your wheelchair. While many people do paint in this way, and it’s an enjoyable activity, wheelchair painting is something different. What Is Wheelchair Painting? […]

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Kids wheelchair

Checklist on purchasing a kids wheelchair

When it comes to buying anything for children or teenagers we all know that their perception of need can often be very different to our own.  This is no different in the purchase of a kids wheelchair.  There is likely to be a bigger focus on aesthetics and the roles or activities that the wheelchair […]

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