invacare Blog

Tips and real-world stories

to live your life to the fullest with limited mobility

sport wheelchair

How Will Your Sports Wheelchair Support Health & Well-Being?

What is a sports wheelchair? A sports wheelchair is a self-propelled wheelchair, much like its everyday use relative, but with some specific differences. In the past they tended to be non-folding in order to be stronger and better balanced during tight turns and impacts, but they are now often made of light-weight, aero-grade materials which […]

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Smartphone Apps to Make Disabled People’s Lives Easier

Smartphone Apps to Make Disabled People’s Lives Easier

With technology at our fingertips, times have never been so good when it comes to improving accessibility within our lives. As people become more connected than ever, ingenious and inventive smartphone apps are helping to expand people’s lives, improve inclusivity, and aid in the participation of new activities.  For disabled people, too, smartphone apps can […]

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transit wheelchair

Transit Wheelchairs, Social Life and Well-Being

Transit wheelchairs often create a perception of the user which relates to age, need, disability and sometimes body shape.  This perception comes from the regular reinforcement of a medical model which encourages us to think of medical devices such as transit wheelchairs as pieces of equipment required by the frail.   However, when coming from the […]

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CTA - Post - Wheelchair Parts