invacare Blog

Tips and real-world stories

to live your life to the fullest with limited mobility

Janis McDavid – Thinker, Fighter, Doer

Janis McDavid – Thinker, Fighter, Doer

An empowerment that breaks barriers Nothing can stop the bundle of energy that is Janis McDavid. Whether as a world traveller and student, a writer or a motivational speaker: Whatever the 26-year-old sets his mind on, he will pull it off as he is convinced that “Boundaries begin in your head”. With this attitude, McDavid […]

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disabled gardening

Wheelchair gardening, get started today

If you use a wheelchair, the idea of disabled gardening might not have crossed your mind.  But let me tell you, it’s more than possible, and loads of fun, too! If you have a garden, there’s nothing quite as satisfying as creating a friendly and welcoming space for your whole family to enjoy, that you […]

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5 mobile apps for wheelchair users

In the fast paced world of technology, we’re all actively trying to get ahead, at least in terms of gadgets and gizmos. Almost everyone in today’s society has some form of Smart Phone, and on said Smartphone, we have access to a magnitude of different apps to choose from – some which provide fun and […]

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Wheelchair width

Multi-factoral impact of wheelchair width on health and functional engagement

Being aware of the importance of considering Wheelchair width is absolutely critical for so many reasons.   It may seem somewhat exaggerated but quite simply if the wheelchair width is not measured for correctly or given proper consideration it could have a dramatic impact both on your health, wellbeing and ability to engage in important […]

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CTA - Post - Wheelchair Parts