invacare Blog

Tips and real-world stories

to live your life to the fullest with limited mobility

travel mobility scooter

Can you travel with a mobility scooter?

Thinking about travelling with a travel mobility scooter can sound like a daunting task, but with the right scooter, travelling can be a breeze. Most mobility scooters can be accommodated, but the easiest way to travel is with a portable mobility scooter.  The Invacare Colibri is a  micro-portable scooter that allows for quick and easy […]

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activities for disabled

Our top activities for disabled people

Finding accessible and inclusive tourist activities around Europe can prove quite a difficult search if you are disabled.  Attractions promise access on their websites, only to disappoint once their disabled customer has arrived, and some aren’t quite there yet in adapting their offerings. So, here is a small list of indoor and outdoor activities around […]

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Wheelchair for Backpack

Trading Wheelchair for Backpack

We are on our way to Machu Picchu with Janis McDavid. Without his wheelchair. Janis is travelling across the Peruvian Andes in a backpack on his friends’ backs.  Or in a saddle. Or on a zip line. Can this possibly end well? Will they reach their destination? In any case they still have to overcome […]

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Four accessible things to do in Bangkok.

Over the past few decades, Thailand, and in particular Bangkok has become more and more of a popular destination amongst tourists. Gone have the days where most Europeans would only consider the likes of Spain and France as go-to holiday destinations. With flights to South East Asia becoming ever increasingly more reasonably priced and hotels, […]

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Adventure with Good Friends

Adventure with Good Friends

This is the story of a wheelchair user who leaves his wheelchair at home to fulfil one of his dreams at a height of 4,600 meters. Read part 2 of the extraordinary young man’s extraordinary trip: Janis McDavid on his way to Machu Picchu. An adventure that you will not find written in any barrier-free […]

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CTA - Post - Wheelchair Parts