invacare Blog

Tips and real-world stories

to live your life to the fullest with limited mobility

Travel & Accessibility

Travelling in a wheelchair can have its challenges.

If you are a wheelchair user, you may ask yourself, “How can I find accessible lodgings?” “What cities are easy to navigate?” Or, “What if something happens to my wheelchair while I am travelling?” 

Applying the information in these articles can make your trip go a lot smoother. Be prepared and able to enjoy your holiday by reading ahead on topics such as:

  • Disabled accommodations on cruises and while flying
  • How to choose an accessible caravan, cottage, or hotel room
  • What types of equipment to bring, and the benefits of travel insurance
  • How to get around once at your destination by using wheelchair accessible transportation

Some of the tips you will learn are:

  • Going on a cruise can be an excellent choice for an accessible holiday.
  • When flying, assistance should be provided both at the airport as well as on the aircraft, at no additional charge.
  • When you purchase travel insurance, make sure it covers things like loss of medication. If not, you should be able to add on extra coverage for disability-specific needs.
  • has an excellent searchable database of adapted caravans and static homes you can consider for use on your next trip.

You can also find the best free guide to European travel here in our ebook, A Guide To Wheelchair Accessible Europe.

How to travel with a power wheelchair

Choosing the best wheelchair for travelling can be tricky – there are many different options available, from manual wheelchairs to folding power wheelchairs.  If you want to travel without limitations, then a folding power wheelchair might be the solution. A folding power wheelchair is an electric wheelchair that can be folded to enable it to […]

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disabled holidays

Here’s What You Need to Know if You Have a Disability and Want to Have an Amazing Holiday in the UK

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has changed and restricted our lives in so many different ways, and, subsequently, our ability to travel has never been as challenged as it is now. However, with summer just around the corner, it’s high time we re-discover the UK as a perfect disabled holidays destination. The pandemic issue Before even […]

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wheelchair accessible cars

Wheelchair Accessible Cars, The Best Chairs & Finding the Right Match

For most people living with a disability, wheelchair accessible cars are crucially important when seeking independence. Not only does having a wheelchair accessible car make everyday tasks more convenient, it can also be a central tool to overcoming barriers to accessibility; much like how your wheelchair in that respect. The need for a wheelchair accessible […]

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Smartphone Apps to Make Disabled People’s Lives Easier

Smartphone Apps to Make Disabled People’s Lives Easier

With technology at our fingertips, times have never been so good when it comes to improving accessibility within our lives. As people become more connected than ever, ingenious and inventive smartphone apps are helping to expand people’s lives, improve inclusivity, and aid in the participation of new activities.  For disabled people, too, smartphone apps can […]

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