invacare Blog

Tips and real-world stories

to live your life to the fullest with limited mobility


Life After A Spinal Cord Injury Is Different, But It Goes On – By Lindsay Nott

During rehabilitation I took part in weekly gym sports activities –  different things ranging from 10-pin bowling, rugby, and going to the movies. Not only did I do physiotherapy and got my body moving, but I also wanted to become more independent. I remember when I wanted to go snow skiing six months after my discharge, my physiotherapist was […]

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How a power wheelchair can support your child’s independence and wellbeing

Anyone with children could tell you that children want to be independent, explore and be with their friends.  Independence and mobility are important for a child’s cognitive and psychological wellbeing. For some children with disabilities, power wheelchairs are the only way to achieve mobility. A wheelchair can open up their participation in school, social life […]

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How to travel with a power wheelchair

Choosing the best wheelchair for travelling can be tricky – there are many different options available, from manual wheelchairs to folding power wheelchairs.  If you want to travel without limitations, then a folding power wheelchair might be the solution. A folding power wheelchair is an electric wheelchair that can be folded to enable it to […]

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5 TV shows with real inclusivity of disabled characters

TV tends to underestimate people with disabilities. All too often, inclusivity means people with disabilities are represented by characters that are rather one-dimensional: either desperately tragic, implausibly heroic, or miraculously ‘recovered’. This means that it’s particularly delightful to come across characters that defy these worn stereotypes that rob characters with disabilities of human complexity. Embed […]

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mobile hoist

What is the Best Mobile Hoist for You?

If you have impaired mobility, everyday movements like getting into bed or having a bath can be challenging. There are a range of mobile hoists and slings that can help make life easier, letting you get back to doing the things that you enjoy.  What is a mobile hoist? Hoists are a type of mechanical […]

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replace wheelchair wheels

How to Replace Wheelchair Wheels?

Wheelchairs, just like cars, have tires” that need to be replaced in order to maintain optimum efficiency of your wheelchair performance. Replacing the wheelchair wheels may sound like a daunting task, but in actuality, replacing wheelchair wheels is fairly simple. Below you will find a series of ‘how to’ guides for replacing various wheels from […]

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Handcycling: Is It Right For You?

Handcycling is a healthy form of exercise for people to enjoy. It is also quite an inclusive activity, as those using wheelchairs – and who have good upper body strength – can also participate. Read on to find out more.  Handcycles come in several different styles, so people with varying levels of ability should still […]

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